RACH ANGEL, INC is a nonprofit Section 501(c ) (3) Corporation of the Internal Revenue Code.

It does business as Pets Are Angels. It was organized out of our hearts to help pets survive and thrive.

Too many people discard pets like they are personal property or treat them worse. In our eyes, Pets are Angels sent to us to help us survive this world by offering us companionship and friendship.  We have all been blessed with animals that have truly blessed us in many ways. Several of our own come to mind that have blessed us over the years.

Pets are Angels was only officially approved in Sept 13, 2016 and already we have raised money and donated to the West Virginia Flood relief for animals and the Floyd County Animal Shelter. Now with the launch of this web site we have only just begun.

Please help us help the animals.

All and any donations are appreciated.  We have made it very easy to contribute with this web site. All donations are tax deductible and will be used exclusively to help animals in the area survive and thrive.